Senator Obama attended the 2006 groundbreaking for this man's memorial, 1/2 mile from Lincoln's
A: "Who is Martin Luther King"
Since this was a Daily Double question, we didn't get to see how Watson would have replied. Would Watson have gotten it right if given a chance?
In the other case, a glitch in the feed seems to have occurred. While Watson's guesses were shown on screen for every other question of the night (regardless of whether or not Watson buzzed in), no information from Watson was given for this one (which Brad Rutter correctly answered):
If you're one of these capable fellows, you're unfortunately "master of none"
A: "What is a Jack of all Trades"
So the question becomes, did Brad simply beat Watson to the buzzer (as he had done five times in this game and four times in the previous one, so we know he had the capability) or was Watson just unable to come up with the answer?
My completely speculative answer is that Watson would have had a hard time with the MLK question, but should have easily gotten the Jack of all Trades one. "Master of None" is a fairly unambiguous phrase that consistently is linked to "Jack of all Trades" (just do a Google search to see this). In contrast, Watson is often very bad at guessing what person is being discussed elliptically, as in "this man's memorial" in the first question. The big keywords in that one, "Obama," "memorial," and "Lincoln" are much less closely tied to MLK. "2006 groundbreaking" would help Watson figure it out, but there might be many more distractors, and its confidence in the right answer would likely be lower, if it even reached the level of buzzing in. But that's just my guess. Probably we'll never know.
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